You can create a branded URL shortening service by using this script on your web server. If you do not have a web server, here is a useful collection of sites which lets you create a branded URL shortener of your choice.
Read moreHere is a list of 10 awesome clock screen savers that are animated. Some of them are for Mac and some are for Windows. The ideas are so brilliant that I am sure you will find at least one of your choice.
Read moreTill now we have used screenshots of our Analytics reports as a proof our pageviews, visits. But we had to change them manually everytime there is a major change. Now let me show you a tool that can show your Google Analytics figures as a live chart that updates automatically as soon as your Google Analytics data changes i.e everyday.
Read moreTwitter is one of the most used social media platform nowadays. All you need is an account and something to tell to use Twitter. But lately I found out some crazy tools that lets you use Twitter in a different way. Here are 14 of those.
Read moreWhen you copy paragraphs or text from Word documents, Powerpoint presentations or from the web – the formatting options are also copied to Windows clipboard. When you paste the copied text or paragraph in another document, window or email message all the formatting options are kept intact. This can be a bit awkward, you may
Read moreHow to Secure Your Wireless Home Network – Prevent Others From Stealing BandWidth
This guide describes how you can secure your Wireless home network and prevent other people from using your broadband connection.
Read moreRemotely Control Your PC Using Just A Browser
LogMeIn is a free tool that lets you access your computer even from a distant place just using a browser. All you need is a good internet connection on both the computers.
Read moreBlackbird Pie is the new tool in Twitter’s inventory which lets you embed tweets in any webpage or blog posts. If you frequently use screenshots of Tweets, you have a better option now.
Read moreCreate Sticky Notes From Desktop and Send them to Twitter, Facebook or Email
Working with notes can be fun as well as productive, when you have lots of things to remember and you want an easy way to create sticky notes for important tasks. When it comes to Sticky notes, my friends call me a “Power User”; because I have the habit of noting down each and every
Read moreShare Keyboard and Mouse among Two Computers Connected Via LAN
You can share your keyboard and mouse across multiple computers connected on a network with a utility called Input Director. This will allow you to control two or more computers using a single mouse and keyboard.
Read moreHere are some web based tools to remember complex and difficult passwords. This includes a password card, a shortened URL trick to remember passwords and more.
Read moreHow to Transfer A Self Hosted WordPress Blog To Blogger Without Losing PageRank And Traffic
You can move your Wordpress blog to the Blogger platform without losing PageRank, traffic and search rankings. The blogger blog will contain all the posts, comments and images used in your Wordpress blog. Here is a step by step guide.
Read moreClear Browser Cache and Browsing History in Google Chrome
Often you would want a one click solution to clear your browser cache or browsing history. We have seen ways to clear browser cache in Firefox – whether it be flushing the whole cache or clearing the browsing history for a particular website. When You Should Clear Your Browser’s Cache And Cookies ? Before, deleting
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