Google Analytics

Plus One Stats In Google Webmaster Tools And Google Analytics

The other day Google took the web by a storm, releasing their latest social networking site – Google Plus. Google plus has received mixed reactions and most of the people in my circle have doubts whether it can really beat Facebook in the coming months. There is also some good news for website owners and

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Which Twitter Profiles Are Sending Maximum Traffic To Your Site ? Find Out With the New Google Analytics

If you do a lot of social media marketing on Twitter which may include sharing your pillar articles, promoting linkbait posts or generating the “Buzz”, you should also spare some time analyzing the traffic your website gets from Twitter and how well the intended audience engage with your content or service.

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Embed Real Time analytics in your Website

Till now we have used screenshots of our Analytics reports as a proof our pageviews, visits. But we had to change them manually everytime there is a major change. Now let me show you a tool that can show your Google Analytics figures as a live chart that updates automatically as soon as your Google Analytics data changes i.e everyday.

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Track RSS Feed Subscriptions Using Google Analytics

Google analytics can be used to track your RSS feed subscribers.By setting up an analytics goal you can track which content are bringing you RSS Subscribers and Which Feed Icons they are clicking in your site.

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