
Move Your Blogging To Your Browser with ScribeFire

Anyone who does any sort of regular blogging knows that there are benefits to using a piece of blogging software. The ability to work on a post without being restricted to your site’s back end give you the freedom to check references and take screenshots easily. Windows Live Writer is always a favorite of bloggers, but what if you are looking for something that is cross platform? If you are, then you should take a look at a browser plugin known as ScribeFire.

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How To Install a Mobile Theme On Your WordPress Blog, And Why You Should

If you maintain a blog or simple website powered by WordPress and have a good amount of traffic every other day, there are reasons why you should install a dedicated mobile theme on your WordPress blog and serve the same theme to readers, visiting your site from their mobile devices. Why Install a Mobile Theme

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How To Embed Custom Codes In The Middle Of A WordPress Loop

You can embed custom HTML or PHP codes in the middle of a Wordpress loop and show advertisements, Adsense units or other widgets between posts of a loop. Use this simple code snippet.

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The Problems With Facebook Comment Box Social Plugin

Some days back Facebook launched their comment box social plugin which allows bloggers and webmasters to add a Facebook powered comment box in their websites, blogs or forums. Facebook comment box has the advantage of a huge social impact, a user may choose to share a comment in his Facebook news feed which is beneficial

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WordPress Adds Guided Transfers of blogs To Self Hosted WordPress

Do you maintain a blog or website at and need help in transferring blog’s hosting to a different hosting provider or in order to migrate from to self hosted ? Here is some official help provided by the folks at WordPress has launched a new service called “Guided transfers to”

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Facebook Rolls Out Comments System For Blogs And Websites

Here is how you can quickly add a Facebook comments box to your website which will allow anyone with a Facebook account to post a comment on your blog post, forum or a static webpage.

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SEO Misconceptions You Should Avoid

When I started writing this blog two years back, I had no idea how a search engine works. I had no idea what is pagerank, what the heck is link building and why people always crave for links, anchor text and rankings. I just wrote the articles one after another. Overtime, I learned a thing

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How To Get Rid Of Crawl Errors And 404 Not Found Errors in Google Webmaster Tool Reports

As a blogger or the webmaster of a website, one should be very serious regarding fixing broken links on his/her website. A lot of broken links, bad redirects and non existent 404 pages on your website does not reflect a good signal to the Googlebot and it can sometimes harm your site’s reputation on the eyes of a search engine.

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Bing Webmaster Tools Now Shows Detailed Traffic Data, Impressions And Click Through Rates

Bing has recently added some more features to their webmaster tools service which now shows detailed traffic data for websites, search queries, an approximate number of impressions on search result pages and an expected click through rate for key phrases and keywords.

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How To Set Up MX Records For Google Apps Email From Your Website’s Cpanel

If you manage a website and have recently changed your domain’s hosting provider, this tutorial will help you set up Google Apps email preferences for your domain, add MX records from the control panel (cpanel) of the new hosting company.

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Generate One Time Passwords For Your WordPress Blog – Prevent Keylogging Attacks On Public Computers

Imagine this – you are working from a public computer and need to login to your WordPress blog for urgent reasons. You don’t trust the public computer on the internet parlor because there are chances that the system administrator has installed a keylogger program for tracking keystrokes, user names and passwods. You may use the

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Add Language Translation To Your Website Using Google Translate AJAX API

Google Translate is certainly the best online translation tools and provides fairly accurate translation of your blog’s articles. Visitors and readers from non English speaking countries can use the translation widget and read your site’s articles in their own language.

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The Influence Of Social Media On Search Rankings

There is no end to this long run debate among bloggers. Which is more influential – Social Media or Search ? Which medium of traffic converts the most and whether social media links have any significant influence on search ranks and search traffic ? After blogging around for two years, I have arrived to the

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A Better Way To Prevent Spam Comments In WordPress Without Using Akismet

G.A.S.P is a brilliant plugin which can be used to prevent spam comments on your Wordpress blog. The plugin uses a checkbox to detect whether the comment was posted by a human or by a spam bot, can be used as an alternative of Akismet

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Dropbox CDN Plugin For WordPress Helps Reduce Your Site’s Bandwidth

Here is a simple Wordpress plugin which will let you host some files of your Wordpress blog to your Dropbox account, thus saving you bandwidth and increasing your site’s loading time.

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