Best Sites To Rate Teachers And Professors
If you are thinking of going to a private educational institute, but you do not know about that place anything, you should check two things – the teaching staff and overall rating. You can quickly gather this information online. However, do you know that you can find some websites to rate teachers so that other people can get some help from your experience? Here are some of the best sites to rate teachers and professors. Before getting started, make sure you know about the person very well. Otherwise, it might create conflict and wrong impression on the individual.
Best Sites To Rate Teachers And Professors
1] Rate My Professors
This is probably the best website you can find on the internet since it comes with all the features to know about a teacher. The second most important thing is that the size of their database. It offers a vast list of teachers’ names so that you can find your favorite teacher and rate him/her accordingly. It doesn’t take a considerable amount of time to find someone on this website because it lets you search for him/her by the name, school name, or other educational institute’s name.
After visiting this website, you can search over to the search option and type the name of your professor. After that, you need to find him/her from the search result. At this moment, you can check the place of his/her occupation so that you can be sure about the person.
This is possible to filter the result by school name as well as the professor’s name. After finding someone on this website, you can click the Rate This Professor button, and give him/her a rating according to your wish. It shows all the previous ratings, level difficulty, etc. so that you can get a rough idea about the person. Visit website
2] Rate My Teachers
Being a teacher rating and review website, it offers almost the same features as other websites. However, the user interface is better than the first website mentioned on this list. The thing about this website is that you can find a teacher by the educational institute. That means, if you want to rate a teacher of New York Film Academy, you need to open the institute name first, and then find the teacher to give him/her a rating.
This process has an advantage as well as disadvantage. The plus point is that no mistake will be made by you while giving a rating and review. The drawback is that you need to go through a lot of options to find the institute and the teacher. Another good thing about this website is that it has some specific schools only in some particular countries. For instance, you can find only Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK, and the USA.
The last but not the least feature is that you can add your school to the database if you cannot find it. To get started, visit this website, create an account, find the school, get the teacher, and rate him/her whatever you want. Visit website
3] Koofers
Koofers has a massive teacher database that you can use effortlessly. The ease of access is the primary intention of the developers, and that reflects from the website. You do not need to spend a lot of time to find some individual for rating and review purpose.
According to this website, more than 16 million students use this website to get handy information. Not only just the rating but also it has some other functionalities and offers. For instance, you can get some study materials for free that might be helpful when you need to get a good score on the exam. From getting a suitable teaching job to rate a professor – everything is possible on this website.
The only setback is that you might have to purchase a subscription to rate someone and get all the study materials. They apply such conditions because they want only serious people to rate good teachers. Visit website
4] Rate Your Lecturer
Rate Your Lecturer is yet another website that you can use to rate your teacher and professor. Finding someone on this website is probably the most straightforward task as it takes minimum time to get the job done.
There are three different options to find someone on this website, and they are: by the teacher’s name, university name, and location. You can read all the previously given ratings, reviews, etc. to know almost everything about an individual. As it allows you to rate the various skills of a teacher, you can get more specific information from this website. For instance, you can check how good is the teacher in terms of teaching lectures, seminars, tutorials, etc. Visit website
There are more other websites, but most of them do not have a good database. In terms of popularity, these four websites are probably the best right now.