Encrypt Cloud Storage Data with nCrypted Cloud

Still, in this advanced digital arena, we scruple hundred times before uploading a sensitive information to our cloud storage and this is undeniably a valid angst. Simply, we need more security than a mere password. Thankfully, with nCryptedCloud we can encrypt cloud storage data to resolve this muddle. It covers all  the well-known cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and others.

nCrypted Cloud is a penny plain utility which offers a spartan user interface. It allows you to encrypt cloud storage data with a single click. You can encrypt both online and offline(synced for offline use on your desktop) versions of cloud data online and offline. It uses the standard AES 256-bit encryption method. Now, I will walk you through the whole process from installation of nCrypted Cloud to the encryption of files using it.

Installation and Set-up

Firstly, download and install the small utility. Once done, simply, follow the instruction and fill up the necessary form fields to create a nCrypted Cloud account and connect with it instantly.



When you complete setting up an account, it will automatically connect you computer with the newly created nCyptedCloud account. Added to this, it will also search your computer for cloud services installed on your computer and move them into the nCryptedCloud folder. Nothing gets encrypted until you choose to do so.


 Encryption Process

Finally, you can now encrypt cloud storage data files. Simply, select the required folder and right-click on them. Choose the ‘Make Private’ or ‘nCryptedCloud’ options to encrypt the folder and all the sub-folders of it. You can also set the sensitivity level of the folder. After you hit the confirmation button it will initiate the encryption process and will finish it eventually. A blue lock icon on the top right corner of  the folder will brand the confirmation of the successful encryption of the same folder. In the grand scheme of things, this encryption is done on both client and the server end.

If you want to decrypt any encrypted file or folder, just select the targeted folder, right-click on it and choose to ‘Remove Privacy’. You will be asked to provide your ‘Identity’ and password to completing the revert process.




Moreover, apart from cloud data files you can make any other folder a private one by encrypting it using nCryptedCloud. Similarly, you will also find the same folder under nCryptedCloud folder after it gets encrypted.



Cloud Platform

From its cloud platform you can get access to all of your encrypted cloud data folders and you can also add other cloud services from it. You can add any of the popular services like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive etc. A minimalist approach and no if and buts in between.


One of the smart features nCryptedCloud offers to its users is the ability to share any file securely. Simply, choose any folder that is already shared from any of you cloud storage and apply the level ‘Shared securely’ on it. Now, secure sharing will enable you to share your files strictly with the person of your want. You can close any sharing group, revoke anyone’s access to your shared folder and much more.This video can make you understand things better.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

It supports Windows, Mac and some of the giant mobile platforms. Its, Android and iOS application will facilitate you to access all of yours encrypted cloud storage files on the go. Moreover, you have the power to get access to all of your cloud storage files on a single place.

Today, cloud computing is no longer a hush-hush subject. Lately, it has become an integral part of our daily computing sessions. We regularly upload and sync our personal and business information to our favorite cloud storage accounts and these are pretty crucial and needs to be secured. Now, more than one online services, akin to nCryptedCloud, are available who allow you to encrypt cloud storage data. Personally, I feel a bit more secured with my cloud storage data using these services which offers an alluring industry standard data encryption technique.

With a great supporting team and these ongoing brilliant features, nCryptedCLoud turned many heads towards it and this number is growing day by day.

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