Android Apps


7 Ways To Make Your Old Android Phone Useful Again

New phones are unveiled almost every month making the phone you so desired to own during last quarter seem outdated. For a gadget savvy person, it’s a tough call when it comes to deciding what to do with an older phone when he/she’s got a new one. Here is a list of ideas to use

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Install Apps on Your Android – 5 Ways There is.

You have an Android phone or a tablet. Most of the devices today have great internals that can power your phone to run some of the coolest apps out there. You would indeed love to know where to find a myriad of Android apps that can make your android even more awesome! Today we are

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Multi-task in Android with Simple Gestures – Sidebar and Swipe App Screen

Smartphones of today have grown incredibly powerful that now multi-tasking has become one of the key criteria in choosing an ecosystem. iOS users will know that though the interface is silken smooth, multi-tasking is a major pain. In fact iOS does not support true multi-tasking. You can switch apps from any other app by double

Read More – Seamless chatting across Facebook and Google and Send free SMS!

One of the common chores while browsing the internet is chats. You have chats open in Facebook, chat boxes in your Gmail window, even in Windows Live. It surely is a big task managing all your friend’s chats and miss a few pings that you wish you could reply to. For those chat addicts, chatting

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Swiftkey 4 for Android – Gesture Typing, Better Word Prediction, Faster Correction and more

One of the popular alternate keyboard for Android, Swiftkey, has just launched a new version a couple of days back. The keyboard now incorporates Flow , a gesture based typing method very similar to Swype and stock Android keyboard in the latest Jelly Bean (Android 4.2). Beside Flow, major improvements have been included such as

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Silence for Android – Automatically put your Android into Discrete Mode

Ever had the situation of your Android phone buzzing off during an important meeting? Wish you had never be disturbed with late night calls or message notifications? Wanted your Android to keep silent automatically according to your Google Calendar Schedule? That ‘s where Silence for Android comes into picture. Silence for Android is a great

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Carbon For Twitter Released On Play Store; Is It Worth The Wait?

The much-awaited Carbon For Twitter app was finally released on the Google Play Store. If you haven’t heard of this app before, then it not your fault. Carbon was an extremely popular Twitter app for the webOS. Sadly, the app was killed, due to the sudden death of webOS. Back in 2011, the developers of Carbon announced

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Sulking Over A Set Of Wireless Headphones? Your Android Can Be One

So next time you plan to buy a costly set of wireless headphones, think again. Your Android can be good enough to turn your wired headset into a wireless headphones. Watch movie, enjoy music or spy on someone’s Skype conversation, the choice is yours.

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Get Windows Desktop On Your Android And iOS Tablets

Onlive, a service to play games over the cloud, now brings the Windows platform on your Android or iOS tablets. If you are on a vacation or just out of the office and need to send your boss a quick sales report for the last quarter, what would you do? True, there are lots of Android and iOS apps you can do that. However, you are going to miss the nice multi-functional Windows desktop at your office. Well no more. Here is a quick review of what and what not you can do with the new Onlive Desktop for tablets.

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