Control your Android from your Web Browser through AirDroid

AirDroid is an Android app available for free on the Google Play Market. What is so special about this app? With this app you can control your android device right from your desktop browser!

AirDroid - AndroidAirDroid - Google Chrome


AirDroid utilizes the WiFi network to which both your desktop or laptop computer and the Android device is connected to. You can practically control what  Apps you want to install or remove, add and edit your contacts, send messages to your friends and more right from your favorite browser on the computer. AirDroid is easy to install and setup and takes very little of the resources in the Android. It is secure that it only works on the WiFi network to which both the computer and your Android is connected to.

You can install the app from the Google Play or download the apk from the AirDroid website. Once installed, you will be greeted with a small tour of the app. The app looks for available WiFi connection and once found it displays the instructions to connect to your Android from your computer. Once you enter the website URL that is displayed on the Android, the connection can be setup either by scanning the QR code or by entering the passcode in the website. Once this is done you enter into a workspace consisting of a grid of icons and others, to control your Android!

AirDroid - Android app AirDroid - Android app AirDroid - Android app AirDroid - Android app AirDroid - Android app


Some of the basic operations you can do through AirDroid in the browser include viewing and sending Messages, view Call Logs, view, add and edit Contacts, view Photos, Music and Videos. Messages app allow you to view all the messages from your contacts, compose a message, and even delete the messages. Call Logs app display all the incoming and outgoing calls, with a nice tabbed interface for each category. Photos, Music and Videos app let you browse or search through your content in Android, even download or upload some files.

AirDroid also has a File Manager that lets you manage the file and perform some basic files operations such as copy, move or delete files within your Android. You can even upload or download files to and from the computer and your Android (Check out this post on how to sync files with Mac or Windows with your Android).

On the Apps front, you can view all the installed apps on your Android through the App Manager. If you have the apks of the apps, you can even install the app from the browser itself, though this requires root privileges (You can read more on Rooting for Android here). AirDroid also has a list of recommended apps that shows all the popular apps which you can install (Check out this post for remote uninstall app from iPhone or Android).

Apart from all these, AirDroid also has a list of tools that you can view in your Android version of AirDroid. Some of these include your device information, Task Manager, Network, Data Counter and File Manager. The Android app also has a list of recommended apps in the “Recommends” section.

With a rooted phone, you can have added advantage of viewing the system files in the File Manager. What’s more, the Screenshots app shows a live preview of the Android, which you can pause or take screenshot anytime.

AirDroid - in Google Chrome AirDroid - in Google Chrome AirDroid - in Google Chrome

All the while, the AirDroid browser page shows the current status of your Android, like the network connectivity, battery, storage, etc. For folks who like to multi-task, the browser page has 4 workspaces that you can get from the workspace icon on the top center of the site. There are other small additions, such as opening a URL in the Android browser from AirDroid page, search and install apps from either Google Play or Quixey, fast upload or app install, opening the browser page in secure mode (HTTPS) instead of express mode and more.

AirDroid has already released the beta of the second version, which includes features like Find Your Lost Phone, managing your android over the 3G network, view your Android camera within your browser and lots more. For those who like to try, you can download the apk here.

AirDroid is quick and useful app, particularly the fact that you can manage your android phone from your desktop browser over your home WiFi network! AirDroid is the perfect solution for managing your Android device.

Sources: Google Play, AirDroid, Lifehacker (AirDroid 2)

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