How To Use Google Plus Collections As Your Personal Diary
Google+, the social networking platform by Search engine giant Google, created a new way of connecting with similar minded people. Soon after the company had revamped the design of the site couple of months ago, people started to experience a whole new environment and felt about it differently.
Keeping aside that whether you like it or not, Google+ isn’t definitely a social networking site which you would generally imagine. No instant statuses, no messages(you can send a personal message to a person by sharing a post with only that person and disabling reshare), no fancy stuff. Google+ is about creating a collaborative environment where similar minded people can get together to share their common interest. Along with that, you also perform basic social media actions such as following your friends, +1s, likes, comments, sharing status, photos and videos etc.
Even though there are many platforms where people can share knowledge, google+ is giving individual liberty to express ourselves to the whole world. With its features like Collections and Communities, one can create and share their favorite content with others. Even though Google is now unnecessarily suggesting featured random collections and communities all the time, as people started using it more, it would change in future. Also, there are two good things about Google+ which are:
- Since everyone uses Gmail, it is easy to upgrade a single step and access it’s integral features across all Google services
- For brands, authors, a Google+ page would always rank on top on Search results. If you integrate your Google+ profile to your blog, it would display your information in the result while indexing which would make you more visible over web.
If you are using Google+, there is a way you can write your own personal diary in form of posts everyday.
How to Use Google Plus Collections As a personal Diary?
As mentioned before, a Google+ collection is a content regarding to a topic you can share with people following it. But by making a collection visible to yourself, you can post whatever you want which only would be visible to yourself.
Creating Collection
To get started, login to your google plus, go to your profile, where you can see your interests and an option to create a collection. Or you can just go to Collections tab from left side panel and go to Yours tab. Select create new collection. Enter name, tagline. Change visible option to “Only You” so that you can only view that, or you can choose custom option and select a circle like your family or people who can view your collection. Click Done to create your own collection
Creating Posts
Now you can start writing posts to your collection every day like you do while writing a diary. To compose a post, go to collection and select compose icon present bottom right of your page or head over to home, select post box and click on audience (“public” by default), select “See More” to get a list of your collections, choose Your collection. You can add links, photos, location to your post as you do with regular sharing of your post. When you are done, click “Post”.
Creating Indexes
As you start posting, you may loose track due to flood of posts. To avoid this trouble, you can create a indexing post either in that collection, or somewhere else sorted by month, date etc. To get a premalink of a post in a collection, go to your collection, find the desired post, and click on the time stamp present on top right in the post card to get link of that post. Copy the link for your address bar, paste it on your index post and update that regularly. You have to save location of your index post obviously. I wish Google could bring pinning a post to collections.
You can also perform actions on your post such as editing, deleting on your post by clicking on the timestamp and selecting menu so that you can perform operations as you need.
If you make a collection to yourself, even though if somebody happened to have a link to a post in your collection they cannot access it. So privacy is guaranteed. I wish they could bring pinning a post feature to Collections as well.
What do you think of this tip? Do let us know in comments!